What makes Modhani Yogurt different from normal Curd??.............

The curd is a dairy product which is obtained by the coagulation of mild which is called curdling. This process is caused by the addition of rennet or any acidic substance to it. The increase in the acidity level causes the proteins in the milk to become solid curds. Yogurt is the product which is mostly consumed in the market, and the basic difference between yogurt and Curd is the method of preparation and also the beneficial bacteria strains that would kick start the fermentation of the milk.
There are numerous varieties of yogurts available in the yogurt market but the Modhani Yogurt is exceptional because of it health benefit which is recommended for the cure of various diseases. The Modhani Yogurt can make your workout experience less tiring by also reducing the muscular stress. If it is consumed on a daily basis, it helps the functions of the cell well.

Modhani Yogurt is a reliable source of nutritional benefits like calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2, iodine, Vitamin B12 etc. and it is very high in probiotics acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum which can help you live longer.

Three major things that distinguish Modhani Yogurt from Curd are the Benefits, Production and the Usage:

Benefits: Both has its benefits, but they also have where they overlap, The Modhani yogurt can help you to prevent numerous diseases and body conditions why the curd can only heal intestinal infections. Modhani Yogurt has Turmeric and can help you with a glowing skin, relief itchy scalp reduce hair fall and split ends

Production: The production process of Modhani Yogurt is different from Curd, Modhani Yogurt is made through fermentation of lactate of lactic acid, while curd is fermented with an acidic liquid such as lemon juice which allows the milk to curdle.

Usage: Both the Modhani yogurt and Curd can be eaten plain or taken with sweeteners. however, Modhani yogurt is used to heal numerous diseases in the body system, and also it can be used to refresh oneself i.e it carries out 2 jobs in one consumption, which is the satisfaction got from refreshment, and also the healing features derived from consumption. The curd is often used in desserts and served in sandwiches or salads.

As we can see, there are obvious differences between the Modhani Yogurt and Curd, one is more beneficial than the other. The Modhani Yogurt is everybody’s choice.


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